Inworldz Login Url


Grid Name: 3rd Rock Grid Helper URI: Login Page: Login URI: The new URL has been purchased,, though there is nothing up on the site just yet. Some filtered content from the old InWorldz.

InWorldz, Off The Grid Help & Resources

While I have been enjoying spending some time in Second Life, I think InWorldz will always be my home and this why I want to step away from my usual type of blog and talk some IW.

Section 1

2013 will be InWorldz biggest year yet. They are rolling out physics right now on the main grid and are working on Mesh on the beta grid.

There are some great postitives with InWorldz. People that like to build and create really should consider checking IW grid out cause it is a builders dream right now. It doesn’t cost anything to create a cube into anything you want and you can take pictures for free as well. Sims are cheaper, you are giving more prims to use, etc. People there are so helpful.

That being said I must warn people at the moment IW isn’t as socialable as SL all hours. You will only find a few hundred people logged into IW at one time but from the numbers I’ve seen, no other alternative grid to Second Life reachs that. I believe those numbers will keep rising as people check out IW more and more with all the changes they been working on lately. Inworldz is atleast worth a look at especially to those that are looking for somewhere like SL but isn’t SL.

Not going end the blog right there as I think after now would be a good time to post a little guide and where to for everyone to read up on InWorldz.

Before signing up & in to the InWorldz grid with a viewer, please read the whole blog.

Section 2

Before you register your Inworldz account you should…

Read the Terms of Service -

Read the FAQ page -

Still interested? Register a account/name here -

Once you are registered and signed into You will have access to a Main Menu where you will be able to buy or sell iz’s (InWorldz currency) if you have a paypal account, Find regions for sale, see your Transaction History and Account Information.

SeersA lot of magi simply stumble upon their powers. It's possible this is the result of several centuries of separate evolution, an accidental or intentional effect of meddling, or a combination thereof. For example, a fire specialist might accidentally set alight an emotional letter, and a fire affined thaumaturgist might accidentally set fire to their house. The more general, the less powerful.It is unclear why Lycasi magic users are so different. There's also the theory Lycas only had sorcerers on it at the moment of the, so the population simply lacked the genetic traits that allowed Higher Understanding, though followers of the theory that magical skill is not tied to genetics disbelieve this. Wall street specialist.

Other Pages you should read on

Wiki -

Techblog -

Find out some of the events going on in Inworldz daily -

Finally one of the better ways of keeping up with what going on in InWorldz.

Read the forums. If you decide you want post there you will have to register a account there separate from your InWorldz account meaning you can’t just log in by typing your IW account and password and be magically signed it, they are separate though you can use the same name there too. instead of going through each section of the forum everytime you visit it, make it easy and bookmark

That is the end of the tour of but there are several sites and pages on the net that might be of some help to you when it comes to the InWorldz grid and that will be covered next sections.

Section 3

Inworldz Resources around the web

Inworldz doesn’t have a Official Marketplace but there are two unofficial ones that works like the SL Marketplace that I know of that works like it &

This site might help you find some merchandise inworld (read the faq for a better understanding on the page)

Website with free content you can upload in Inworldz(or just about any grid)

Want to learn some of Inworldz’s History?? or just recent news? Besides reading the Inworldz forums to learn about Inworldz History.

I would suggest reading past issues & the current issue of InStylez (Formerly known as Allure) Magazine. &

Another site to check out is InWorldz News Network site.

Section 4

Useful Info

WayFinder Wishbringer on The Elf Clan Social Network has a number of great blogs that has useful info, suggestions for both old and new residents of InWorldz.

Using Inworldz for the first time -

Crashing Much? -


What Computer For InWorldz? -

Hints, Tricks, And Newbie Tips -

That about it for now for this post.I think I will be copying this blog into it own page on this tumblr in the near future and update it when possible. World of tanks blitz download for pc. If you have any suggestions, questions about this post feel free to ask.

Next Blog will be a look at the Inworldz Desert Island, The place you land when you first join Inworldz.

Not really a surprise. For many, IW was a place to go for some who really had enough of SL for various reasons. Others that had feet in both are not going to shift the numbers much anyway.On a positive note, indications from the 'diaspora' channel seem to show that people are moving and exploring some rather good places - TAG, Digi, Metro, Kitely etc where they can discover the hypergrid from a stable base.

Its all good for the overall meta although it might make a replacement IW a bit more of a hard sell as a closed environment.Posted by:sirhc deSantis. I truly do feel for the InWorldz users who lost their 'home grid.' But.there aren't enough InWorldz users to noticeably increase SL concurrency or affect SL visibly.

Besides that fact that some OpenSim users still use SL, it's just not their primary grid. Now if those users jumped to another of the little grids, whose user numbers are also small, that would be noticed.

Which of course, it has.the 'little grids' have always been a niche market, but it's a niche market of a niche market. And as we've seen, a few mistakes with finances can take a little grid down fast.

ONE mistake can kill them.Personally I think the little grids should charge more for land, to build up more money to weather issues, but that's probably not feasible considering the demographics of the Opensim userbase.The funny thing is, if someone asked me which little grid's I'd recommend, one of them would have been InWorldz. The other is Kitely, and if I ever seriously made a 'third life' in one of the smaller opensim based grids, it would probably be Kitely. (I don't really have the time to do so.)Posted by:.