Demon Attacks While Sleeping


But during sleep paralysis, the sleeper is awake, or half awake, and so is aware she cannot move. Studies show that between 25% and 50% of Americans have had sleep paralysis at least once. Many people who have it also have narcolepsy, in which they fall asleep uncontrollably. Demons will attach themselves to you and can enter into you (on some level) while you are outside of your body. Astral attacks are interrupted by calling out to Jesus, which confirms to us their identity as demons and his identity as Lord.

Ever since Joy was a little girl, someone or something has stalked her bedroom late at night. At first, this specter inexplicably terrified her. But when she became an adult, the ghost continued to visit her — and it became something of a familiar friend.' I used to have visits from strange spirits or whatever and actually have sex with them,' Joy, who did not want to reveal her last name, told Mic. 'It was very pleasurable. It was almost like I was in a real relationship with a guy.'

Unbeknownst to Joy at the time, she was experiencing what paranormal investigators and parapsychologists have deemed ',' a term that encompasses both the actual act of alleged paranormal intercourse with ghosts, spirits or invisible lovers and the fetish for paranormal intercourse. (It also, curiously, is used to describe sexual arousal derived from reflections in mirrors.)The phenomenon has come to be something of a punchline in recent years, thanks to a rash of sexual supernatural encounters reported by celebrities like, and, famously, who claimed a ghost would crawl up her leg and have sex with her while she was living in Texas. 'I used to think it was my boyfriend, then one day I woke up and found it wasn't,' she told FHM magazine., an actress best known for the film parody, had a similar experience that went viral after she revealed it on a British talk show last year.' I just could feel this presence coming closer and closer and then I start feeling the actual touch without being able to see much,' she told Mic. 'The touch itself like that, it's kind of human, like, you know, hands. I could feel it all over my body.'

GiphyGrim grinnin' ghosts: Despite the elbow-nudging and eye-rolling the idea of ghost sex can evoke, eerily similar experiences of supernatural sex or spectral rape have been reported in one form or another since at least 2400 B.C., when Ardat Lili and Irdu Lili were described on the, the tablet that gave the world the epic of. On thetablet, the demons are described as visiting men and women nightly to either become pregnant or to impregnate humans with hybrid spawn.' This is something that's gone on — truly written in every culture, in every philosophy, in every religion — since the beginning of time,' Patti Negri, a psychic who conferred with Blasick after her experience and who served as a paranormal expert on the Travel Channel special Ghostly Lovers, told Mic.The book further recounts the demonic predators and spectrophilia-like experiences that have appeared in the more than 4,000 years since the tablet was etched. They include reports from, a tale from the Old English epic poem, an account from the Mohammed and 16th- and 17th-century. 'The Nightmare' (1781) Henry Fuseli/Wikimedia Commons'You feel like you're going to die.' But even though ghost sex predominantly has its roots in mythology, modern-day researchers now attribute the phenomenon to a very real, very common condition:.'

When I first started working on it, a lot of people thought it was a cardinal symptom of narcolepsy, which it's not,' David Hufford, author of and one of the first researchers to begin studying spectrophilia, told Mic. 'Other people mistook it for psychosis —, for example — which it's not. It's normal and it's common, much more common than people thought that it was.' Is thought to be the result of someone waking up before their REM, or the, cycle is finished. (Estimates for exactly how many people are affected by sleep paralysis vary widely, but Hufford said he believes roughly 20% of people have experienced it at some point.) Because of a physiological mechanism that prevents sleepers from acting out their dreams, those who experience sleep paralysis are left paralyzed (hence, the self-reports of being 'frozen' during ghost sex encounters). They can also experience intense fear, chest pressure, hallucinations and difficulty breathing.Worst of all, the sufferer, despite being unable to move, feels fully awake throughout the entire episode. 'Your body can feel like it's getting pushed or crushed.

It can be painful for some people,' Ryan Hurd, an independent dream and consciousness researcher and the author of, told Mic.In fact, sleep paralysis can be so terrifying that a string of sleep-paralysis related deaths amongst in the United States to create the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. 'You feel like you're going to die,' Joy told Mic.

'No matter how many times it happens to you, you feel like you're going to die.' 'The Incubus' Wikimedia CommonsWhen terror turns to sexual arousal: It's not exactly clear why certain people experience sleep paralysis, or who's at risk for the condition, though anxiety and do play some role. Negri told Mic that anecdotally, women are more likely to report spectrophilia and sleep paralysis than men, but she attributes that largely to reporting bias.' I certainly have men who've experienced it, but women seem to want to talk about it more and experience the wheres and the whys,' Negri said.More difficult to pinpoint than the cause of sleep paralysis is the fraction of sufferers whose episodes aren't terrifying but are instead of a sexual nature. According to Hufford, sexual sleep paralysis experiences are 'maybe no more uncommon' than blissful, out-of-body reports of sleep paralysis, which have also been reported. And according to data from sleep paralysis researcher, while 95% of people who experienced sleep paralysis over a lifetime reported feeling fear, 13% of those respondents also reported having pleasurable sleep paralysis experiences.Laura Hale, a 23-year-old woman from Louisiana, said she has experienced both sexually pleasurable and terrifying episodes of sleep paralysis. The first time, she said, it was a combination of the two.'

It obviously creeped me out. I definitely felt sick about it, but it definitely felt like something sexual was happening to me and my body was responding,' Hale told Mic. 'It was all kind of just 'This is really weird and I'm not sure what's happening.' 'Joy reported using self-pleasure as an antidote to the terror sleep paralysis would otherwise bring. She told Mic that she has a technique for keeping night terrors at bay: using a hand that 'floats out of her body' ethereally, 'I will go down and just pleasure myself and it will take the fear away and I'll have an orgasm. If I don't do that, I get super scared and it's a horrible experience.'

GiphyYet the question remains: Why do some people find sleep paralysis pleasurable, while others find it terrifying? Physiologically speaking, there are a handful of possibilities. One common theory is that we enter a natural state of sexual arousal while we sleep. When our heads hit the pillows and our brains enter REM sleep, resulting in erections in men and lubrication in women.Another possible explanation lies in the intrinsic link between terror and pleasure. Numerous have determined that fear can trigger sexual arousal, possibly due to the fact that both emotions activate the, the part of the brain that processes both sexually arousing and threatening stimuli.Hurd's readers have supported that theory, reporting feeling both scared and aroused by sleep paralysis episodes.

But the truth is that researchers still don't really know what's going on.' It's really an understudied aspect of sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis hallucinations probably because of all the nested taboos related to the topic,' Hurd said. 'Who wants to talk about how they had sex with demons?' A thriving community of ghost lovers: Apparently, the answer to that question is quite a lot of people, if the popularity of online and are any indication. Both Hale and Joy are members of the subreddit, where they share experiences, compare notes and swap stories with other people who have similar experiences.' It's a really helpful resource for just kind of feeling more normal, even though this is a really weird thing happening to you,' Hale said.Joy said she finds comfort in the forums because they normalize sleep paralysis and provide a nonjudgmental space for people to discuss its sexual dimensions.

She's even used the forums to recommend her 'technique' to other paralysis experiencers who have intense fear during their episodes.' I shouldn't be embarrassed of it because it is what it is. I think it's just the sexual part of it that's embarrassing,' she told Mic.

'If I was to say to the ghost, 'Oh, I just say go away in the name of Jesus,' it would be considered 'Oh, she's cool.' But since it's sex, it's almost kind of like, taboo. Even though everybody masturbates.' As more and more sleep paralysis experiencers come forward with their own accounts — supernatural, natural or otherwise — perhaps researchers will continue to learn more about the spirits that visit people in their sleep and what makes them so horrific (or just horny). But until then, we'll continue to hear reports of spectral sexual encounters. And as we do, it's important to remember that these accounts, while frequently bizarre and often inexplicable, are never quite as out of the ordinary as we might think.

Have you ever had unexplained scratches on your body? Some people might dismiss this question, but if you ask a large group of people, as I did in the poll below, you will find that many have had this experience at some point in their lives. When this happens, most of us blow it off and place the blame on something like yard work, our cat, or simply scratching ourselves in our sleep.Demonic scratch marks are random and particular—they are red, superficial or deep, and resemble claw marks or three snarled lines. They frequently appear in the following areas of the body on babies, children, and adults:.

Back. Neck.

Arms. Face. Stomach. ThighsIn this article, I will talk about how my faith in Jesus Christ has spared me from additional demonic attacks. I will also talk about how to identify demonic scratches, how to dispel negative energy, and how you can use your faith to protect yourself in the future. The mark of three lines or scratches signifies destruction and is the mark of a demon.

In Fortnite game, players need to work together to scavenge items that they can use to defend and build structures and complete a variety of objectives to progress through the game.During the gameplay, the player can edit each wall of the structure with a 3×3 grid, roofs, lay downstairs, and more. Brick force build share play. There are different characters from which the player can select his favorite one to start his adventure.

Anything or anyone that has been marked—a living human or an inanimate object—is meant to be taken down or destroyed. Take a look at the items in your house such as pictures on the wall, wooden furniture, or metal objects such as your stove and sink. Be sure to carefully examine your driver's license and credit or bank cards.You may notice some large scratches, but those are mostly caused by day-to-day activities—so look closer. Focus in on all the itty bitty scratches in the materials. You'll be surprised at what you find. You may see the following symbols, and here's exactly what they mean:. Ξ means destruction or to destroy.

€ has two meanings: incompletion and separation. F means fall; this is commonly found on doors and bodiesWhat Causes These Marks?Patricia Holliday, Ph.D., Senior Pastor of Miracle Internet Church, or 'Pastor Pat,' refers to these demonic scratches as the devil's mark:'I have personally ministered to people that had scratches, marks and battle scars that appeared on their bodies during the night.

Demonic afflictions are a battle by invisible beings that take place and leave physical battle scars. These wounds caused from scratches by demons are scary and are not harmless demonic pranks because they can cause emotional anxiety.'

These scratches are demons' art. Demons are trying to create loss in your life, and they represent this by marking your belongings and even your body.

The great news is that these demon scratches and 'spells' being placed on us and things around us have no effect on a person who relies upon and trusts in Jesus Christ. When this, my family and I noticed that the marks were always in a pattern. They would always form three straight lines as if I had been scratched by three perfectly straight claws. The cuts were never deep, but they were red and varied in size, width, and length. I found them not only on my body, but also on many household surfaces like metallic items with rust and decay and on malfunctioning water heaters.In order to understand why and how this happens, we need to understand some important aspects of paranormal activity.

We will discuss the differences between evil spirits, poltergeists, and demons, and how to drive them away. What Is a Demonic Possession?A demonic possession occurs when a demonic entity—a negative entity—literally enters the body of the person or victim and hijacks their physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual being.Symptoms can manifest as mental illness and may be characterized by dysphoria, personality changes, voice changes, aggression, and demonstrations of unnatural strength.

The victim may develop unexplained bruises and scratches and exhibit tendencies towards self-harm. They may contort, spit, or convulse. Many people wonder if you can die from a demonic possession. The answer is yes. What Is a Demonic Haunting?People's stories of demonic hauntings are very similar across different religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (to name a few). Some victims may have noticed paranormal activity in their home before the attacks started, some may have been startled awake from REM sleep to burning sensations on the body, and some victims experience sleep paralysis and harassment by evil entities. The stories are often very similar.Others have describe possessed objects in their home—objects that give off a bad feeling, like a found ouija board in an attic.

Others hear noises and disembodied voices throughout a building or home. Some individuals have experienced rapid emotional changes—a sudden sense of fear, doom, or sadness for no reason whatsoever or even intrusive thoughts of violence. It is as if the minds of the victims are being taken over by someone or something. What Is a Poltergeist Haunting?A poltergeist is a negative entity that hits, bites, scratches, and harasses a victim. In contrast to a demon or evil spirit, a poltergeist haunts a person rather than a place or space. They are largely responsible for unexplained phenomena and activity in most haunted houses and will follow a victim around even if the victim relocates.

What Is an Evil Spirit?Perhaps the least dangerous but more common of the three, evil spirits are ghosts that are trapped or attached to a house, object, or even a person. Some evil spirits are residual—they occupy space but rarely interact with the living—and others are quite active and physically attack or haunt humans.

Spirits are often tracked and revealed on shows like Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters. When it comes to demons, poltergeists, and evil spirits, the approach to getting rid of them will vary:.Demons: Demons come from hell, so God or faith alone is the only way to combat them.

According to, demons are weak and vulnerable because they cannot separate believers in Christ from the love of God (Rom. 8:38) and they can be restrained by the Holy Spirit (2 Thess.

2:6; 1 John 4:4). Poltergeists: These manifest inside an individual that is full of trapped negative emotions and soul-burden. Working with a medium or finding ways to lighten the spirit may help to dissipate the negative energy. Evil spirits: Evil spirits can sometimes be released or driven away when acknowledged. This can be done with the help of a specialist who works to resolve attachments. Evil spirits are simply ghosts that have been trapped in a location due to trauma or attachment—to a home, object, or human.

An exorcism is an activity that is used to cast out demons. They are performed by exorcists—members of the Christian Church or an individual who has been given the power of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

When an exorcism is performed, the exorcist will use prayer, amulets, religious icons, holy water, and gesturing to drive the demon(s) out of the victim. There may be more than one person involved in the exorcism. What Are the Signs of Being Possessed?A possessed individual may demonstrate the following traits:. Atypical behaviors and knowledge: For example, a mother might suddenly pick up carpentry and build a suspicious place of worship in her backyard. A child may talk about their experience in combat or rehearse verses from a book that they've never read. Fluency in a new language: The individual may speak in a language that they have never been exposed to (also termed 'speaking in tongues').

Supernatural strength: The possessed individual may be able to move heavy furniture far too big for their size or drag chairs or throw objects across a room without physical contact. This is a true encounter with demons from the Book of Job in the Bible.

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I have had these types of encounters and know of many other people who have also:'He teareth me in his wrath, who hateth me: he gnasheth upon me with his teeth; mine enemy sharpeneth his eyes upon me. They have gaped upon me with their mouth; they have smitten me upon the cheek reproachfully; they have gathered themselves together against me. God hath delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked. I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark. His archers compass me round about, he cleaveth my reins asunder, and doth not spare; he poureth out my gall upon the ground. He breaketh me with breach upon breach, he runneth upon me like a giant.

I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and defiled my horn in the dust. My face is foul with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death.' — The Book of Job, Chapter 16An unseen battle is taking place between demons and mortals, and here the demon forces attack Job and he is left with marks and battle scars. The Bible says they tore at him!

Fairy tale, I think not. Can you relate? Now, let's talk about how the Holy Spirit can protect you. Demons are always around looking for weak spots in your relationship with Jesus Christ in order to steal and destroy.

That is why it is so important to have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. With Him as our friend and our Savior, demons scatter at the mere calling out of His name. Call Out to Jesus ChristIf you are ever attacked, call out 'Jesus Christ. You don't even have to yell, but your mouth must speak it. This allows Jesus Christ to fully protect you.

As soon as His name is said, the storm calms. Talk about a God with benefits, right? The personal battle with demons is a spiritual battle. I strongly believe in the Word of God and have relied upon it as a living resource. I wouldn't dare lead you into believing something that wasn't true as it would be a waste of time for both of us.

Based on my experience, here is a list of things that you can do in your daily life to prevent demon attacks:. Worship regularly.

Pray for God's assistance and pray for angels. Keep your faith nearby (your Bible, wear a cross, use holy water, etc.). Visually focus on detaching from negative energy. Stay away from negative people. Always act benevolently. Tell the truth. Help others.

Don't use drugs or alcohol. Below is a video of alleged crystal meth users. It is common to see what we call 'battle scars' on the faces and bodies of users.

Crystal meth, heroin, cocaine, and even alcohol increase the risk of violent episodes and demon attacks. Although demons are not picky in who they attack, it seems that drugs open a portal. I have heard many people claim that they were attacked while high on drugs.Remember: Picking up a pipe or needle and using drugs is an act of Devil worship. When the drug is flowing through your veins, your soul is Satan's for the taking. He is looking for the weak in order to consume our souls.

Don't dance with the Devil if you don't have to. We know what we know as Truth because the Bible told us so. I know without a doubt that this page will bring many of the afflicted together to share their stories.

What has happened to many of us is far too common not to talk about it openly. Even though these minor scratch wounds caused by demons are seemingly harmless, they are an ominous sign.If you get scratches frequently, then seek Jesus. Also, take pictures of the scratches for your own purposes. They will help you share your strange happenings with others without feeling 'crazy.' Remember, if you ever feel overwhelmed by the demons in your life, call on your only worthy and capable helper: Jesus Christ. I was stood in my kitchen last night and felt a burning sensation on my leg, it was itchy at first but I just ignored it.

When I went to bed later that evening I was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt. Whilst watching a video on youtube I felt the burning sensation on my right arm.

When I went to brush my teeth I noticed I had 3 relatively long scratches on my arm then turned bright red before my eyes. Then I looked at my right leg where I felt the burning from before and saw another 3 scratches only smaller than before. I have pictures.I could do with some advice. I am lapsed Christian and live in the UK. This is going to be long, because unexplainable things have been happening for well over 10 years.

I had a very unexplainable event happen to me at 11 years old, i am 60 now, and still remember that day like yesterday. Ill share that event last.I am sitting here in bed at 7am writing this. My back is burning, i asked my hudband to take a look at my back and there were the infamous 3 vertical scratches he had seen before all too often over the past 10 years. We have taken pictures a couple times of them and they are MOST DEFINETELY not in a place i can reach (tmi may be necessary! We do not scratch, EVER during sex.

Nevermind waking up and having sex in the middle of the night! Sorry folks!) I had taken a nap yesterday and at 10:00pm i found myself wide awake. I got up and tinkered about and went back to bed around 12am. So this happened between midnight and 5am (the time i woke up.)I am a very religious woman. I pray multiple times in a day, i have known God even before my parents or anyone else taught me. It was innately known to me of God, Jesus and the holy spirit before age 4.

So, i have been praying to the 3 in ONE my entire life.10 years ago, i lost people that were very very dear to me. They were my support system. My mother, grandmother, stepdad, brother and my best friend (i even lost my 2 dogs! One of which was that ONE dog people say sometime you are lucky to have.) All in less than a year. Needless to say, this was a very traumatic year for me.

I cried A LOT, but never wavered from my love for GOD. I prayed, still, multiple times a day, and during this time even more.) I was not the type of praying person who prayed for myself, GOD knows this. I felt guilty to pray for me, but i am an educated woman (have 2 bachelor degrees i obtained simultaneously while working and raising a family with a great husband and 3 active children. I wish i had that energy again!!) So, now i can tell you all of these 'happenings' were not only happening to me, but others i loved and i have moved twice since and these occurences seem to be 'traveling' with me.All in my home have heard their name called (7 in total) when no one else was in the house and clear as a bell(myself included & my husband twice.) Unexplained knocking on the ceiling was constant in the first house.

Everyone i knew who came to visit experienced this, it was that cinsistent. When i moved 3 years ago, my husband and several others heard the knocking nouses again, all too similar to the years of knocking at my old address over 2000 miles away. I have moved again recently and have not heard the knocking since (i moved 7 months ago.) Although i spend a lot if time home, i have heard footsteps in the home when no one is here. This i never experienced before.During the first 7 years in the hime 2000 miles away, many unexplained phonemenon happened to me. I will just list them here quickly: 1.i cried one night (i missed everyone sooo much!) as quietly as i could so not to wake my husband, i felt the blankets moving on there own, which stopped my crying, alerting me to what in the world was going on! I lifted only my head and i ACTUALLY watched the covers slowly moving DOWN from me, as if to remove them.2. I was helping my daughter (in highschool) with her homework and felt a hand wrapping around my shoulder.

I thought it was my daughter at first. I asked her (it was not her)and she knew of the unexplained incidents (she experienced them as well as my other 2 children) we stopped what we were doing immedietely (at the time we were at the computer.3. My dog died (the one i was very close to) and 'lived AGAIN!'

Crazy as it sounds, my husband had to carry our dog down the stairs for many months because of kidney failure. That afternoon, i was in my bedroom and my husband called up to me and said 'you better get down here. 'Name of our dog' died! I hurried down the stairs and crouched down putting my beloved pets head in my lap, crying and rocking back and forth.

I cried out to GOD, PLEASE, PLEASE I NEVER GOT TO SAY GOODBYE.PLEASE DEAR LORD! My dog got up as if nothing was wrong! My husband freaked out! But i just hugged my dog and craddled his head while he stood in front of me thanking GOD for bringing him back.

He lived 6 more hours and died in my lap comfortably. I thanked GOD for giving us those 6 more hours. To me, this was a miracle!4. I was at a nearby mall.

Everyone i came in contact with that day seemed to notice me. I got compliments from strangers like no other day i was alive!

It was a very special and happy day for me. I sat down at the movie theater and called my husband and while i spoke to him i experienced a temporal vortex. As i rewatched a series of 6 ordinary events i stopoed talking to my husband. I was dumbfounded. He of course asked me if i was ok.

After the events were over (again! I saw them twice) i explained to him what had happened. Of course there was no explanation for it. When i got to my car, i called a very dear old friend and shared what had happened and she immediately started searching on the internet. She could not find anything. I experienced some brief time travel reliving 'maybe' 5 minutes of my life at that theater where i sat.

The internet called it a temporal vortex. I still am bewildered! This never happened again.5. While at a chiropractors office i saw an apparition.(spelling? I believed it to be an angel) while lying on my back, a translucent sweet faced (i did not know if it was male or female) person appeared less than 2 feet from me, parralel to me. They were caught by surprise, its face looking quite shocked i could see them. No wings, but brwn wavey hair and a whitish long gown, all translucent blowing in the breeze (there was no breeze or fan!) Just a couple feet above me.

I can still see them like it was yesterday! This happened about 7 years ago.6.

This has happened to me many times and i do believe its telated to the scratches. I am a still sleeper (i dont toss and turn at all, EVER) yet almost every morning the blankets are in some dianol position, like someone was pulling at them. Many times i wake up with these 3 scratches. On many occasions (and i think this is just crazy!!) I have turned over with blankets exposing my nude bottom(i know tmi!) And my pjs are all twisted about. I dont wear underwear to bed, but i do occasionally, only to find them pulled down.

Ok tmi again!! YOU TELL ME!! I seldom have the big O, ALMOST NEVER! But i have awoken many times to the big O, with no one touching me and blankets exposed. So, PLEASE, YOU TELL ME! My dogs follow 'things' and bark at no one, many times. A 4 year old told us there was a man in our room, descibing my dead brother in detail.

My son in highscool at the time, calked me and asked if i was just there at home. I was visuting my mother at the time and had been there for hours!

He not only heard a womans voice call his name twice in the empty house, but saw a woman walking away and then just vanish into thin air. He was so scared, he left immediately (he was driving at the time, so i believe he as 17 or 18 years old and had the freedom of coming and going. He did not need permission to leave or drive.

Everyone in the house has 'misplaced' things.countless times this has happened to everyone at my home. 'I put it here!' I have heard this soooo many times, myself included. We look for the missing item only to go back to the original place it was put, and that is ALWAYS the first place we look, and its mysteriously back where it was placed to begin with. I have been pushed down the stairs twice, once with a birthday cake in hand with over 30 people watching me. All said who pushed you?!!

Its quite different when you fall, i felt the push and my body 'reacted' as if someone pushed me while all watched! Everyone was waiting to sing so they all witnessed my being pushef, yet all were downstairs and no one else was there behind me or in any part of our house. Somehow i managed to save the lit birthday cake! Till this day people talk about that and said my house was haunted. But it follows me. I was pushed in my new home 2000 miles away. Unfortunately I know by personal experience while blessing the house my 16 year old son got 3 scratches on his back.

I know this to be VERY true. I knew demons were among us but really know they can leave evidence on a person's body they are there. Thank God it's out of the house due to we pled the blood of Jesus. My husband said it 3 times and it said to my nephew say it again and you will be sorry. I promise you my husband couldn't and has never seen this kind of stuff but he felt it pass his shoulder as in leaving the house. TOTAL chaos went on in the family for years.

Too much to explain. Kept praying and blessed the house and finally it left. Please don't let your guard down. This is REAL!

I took pictures of these scratches and have them to this day. (I was here last year but my comment never made it)So i remember in middle school that i dealt with creelypastas and stuff a lot, and i remember one day waking up with 3 scratches on my face so i got worried and looked it up on google, i believed it becuz i was doing things with 'monsters' and 'creepy stories' a lot. Also one night at 3am i heard sqeaky toy sounds and i believed my house was haunted at this time, my dad's dad had problems with demons and was a 'crazy person' so i wasnt suprised.unless all of this was a big misunderstanding but it didnt seem like it at the time.

2 Nights ago, I was having a hard time falling asleep. It was getting very late, a little past midnight, and I felt uneasy and very warm. I felt a pain on my upper right side of my thigh that stung. I woke my husband and told him to turn on the light. I had one single long scratch down my thigh.

Not deep enough to bleed but to leave a red mark and sting. Then today as I was walking my dog, I felt a stinging pain on my right leg above my knee. I pulled up my capri pant and there was one single scratch. I did not walk in any branches or around anything to cause it. I kept walking, and about 15 mins later I decided I needed to check on it again.pulled up my pant leg and it was gone. Very strange.

Maybe not evil at all. But a Hive like reaction in lines that bleed sometimes. I have been going through this for years. Been to many docs.

Mostly occurs in a scratch like single line. Sometimes 2 lines. Rarely 3 lines. One time I had 4 lines. Razor cuts to dog/ cat type scratches as well. Bloody dots also.

They just appear on my legs, forearms, and shoulders mostly. A few times on my stomach and back. I have come to the conclusion, the town drinking water. Seems when I do not ingest local town water these symptoms fade. We have been warned of contaminants in our drinking water. 5/29/19 For about 3/4 years I've ignored scratches that occur all over my body. They mainly occur on my neck, face, chest, back.

They are mostly 3 lines and sometimes can be 2 lines or just random lines that intersect each other. I've always had consistent demon dreams since the scratches began. I finally decided to turn to god after the biggest scratches I've had. I admitted to myself this is the devil. I had a dream that bats were attacking me with their claws it was dark, it was a bad dream. When I awoke, I had so many deep scratches on my back, neck and face. Since then I asked god to set me free of these things.

Im not 100% free, but I feel like im almost there. I don't have evil dreams anymore and the scratches stopped happening. I broke up with my gf 3 weeks ago, and when i woke up i had some on my neck. I 100% believe the devil is after us and although these things happen to us, we are lucky to be exposed to these things and therefore should seek the lord. We are getting scratched by demons we cant see, imagine when people make it to hell, The devils playground.

As i have, i hope you turn to god and let him know your weakness, your feelings, your hardships, and he in return will love you, care for you, and protect you from all evil doing. Okay so I woke up and was just doing my regular every day morning things when all of the sudden I felt a tiny sting on my neck so I go look in the mirror to see what it was and there were 3 scratches on my neck I was confused as to how they got there I knew I couldn’t have scratched myself in my sleep because earlier that morning I was looking in the mirror and I didn’t have these scratches it’s one small one then 2 large ones which are combined and kind of resembles the letter Y what can this mean?. I've had these scratches. I know they are from the devil. They have also appeared lightly on face, once it was a kind of deep incision on my chest.and yes blood was visible.I've felt/located these scratches in my SCALP!I just haven't been able to get them to TOTALLY stop. After strong praying and repenting from all sin, they often cease.for a while.QUESTION: has anyone had this: in Nov 2018 I awoke with dark green POWDER on the insides of BOTH arms from about the wrist to elbow!!! I washed it off.A couple of months later I read in a book that witches BOIL feces, body fluids, blood, etc until it turns to.POWDER!Help please!.

What does the letter N mean. They're slanted scratches that look like the letter 'N' with a LONG front stroke. I found this on my body months ago and just today I found it on my 7 yr olds body.I also found a random chicken feather outside of our doorstep. I have a gated porch and we live in the city. There are no chickens wandering around.I've read that people into witchcraft use chickens. Someone had to come into my gate to drop it there.I prayed against this and then later today, I found the marks on my childs body and she could not account for them.We are heavily into and reliant on Jesus Christ so I know we are protected but I believe me being allowed to see these things are the Lord warning me that someone is planning something sinister and I need to know what I'm fighting against.I know that we are protected but I know how the battle can get.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?Covered in the blood of Mighty King Jesus. Im really sorry you’re going through these things. Ive had it as well. The third prong is normally shorter and runs into the middle one. Its evil spirits. It started after i messed with occult as a young girl. A very big mistake.

I did it with friends. All of us had our lives turn to hell over the years and could never be with the men we loved or have our own children because we opened the door to evil and didnt know how to close it or indeed what exactly was going on. You probably have something already in this house and then you have some open door in your lifeYou need Jesus Christ the son of almighty God, you get to know him and to come into relationship with him.

This is crucial!! Then you need to get saved make him the Lord of your life and fulfill all righteousness be baptised take communion confess and repent and forgive people who have harmed you.

And learn about protection- put on the armour of God (its written about in the bible in ephesians 6 and when saved plead the blood of Jesus Christ over you to cover you and protect you against every evil, every can find teachings online about it) also use the psalms in the bible - go to psalm 23, and 91, and 35. Dear Anonymous,You are not alone. Guardian angels protect you.

You are just being made aware of the evil spirits earlier than most but use this to your advantage to be aware every day and night. Read your Bible, believe, and develop a strong relationship with Jesus. Pray over your dreams every night, pray for your home to be blessed by the blood of Jesus and pray and thank God every morning. Talk to a pastor to come and bless your house especially since their is a funeral home next door.

Do not be afraid! You are a child of God! Fear not, He will protect and comfort you. I am praying for you. Remember you will be ok and you are never alone even when you sleep you are guarded so rest easy and do not worry.

Just believe, pray and be thankful and loving. You will get through this and you will be ok!. Im 14 yrs of age(2018) nd in 2015 i played Charlie Charlie nd i was scared to death. I dont play these games anymore, but i watch scary vids with my friend Ije and we both are now experiencing scratches on our arms nd the funny things is that i never feel them. I dont know what to do as i dont go to church, but i believe in the Lord. The cut i recently got was today(23 November). I ran in the house to get my book, grabbed it and felt as if there was something behind me, i didn't look back i slammed the door locked up, as i got into the car i saw this long streak on my leg and was slightly bleeding my mom said she'll take me to church to get Baptized.

I hv also been having mood swings, nd an increase in appetite nd suddenly awakening. I used to get these all the time. Three scratches on random parts of my body. Finally I got them bad after I ate a pint of gelato the night before. They are caused by SUGAR! It causes insulin disfunction which triggers the release of inflamatory substances in the skin.

Then any amount of pressure causes inflammation. The 'scratches' are 'pressure uticaria' resulting from sleeping or lying on wrinkles in the sheets or pillows. It's a kind of hives.

I cut out ALL forms of sugar, by checking the ingredients of everything from soy milk to mutilgrain crackers to salad dressing. Even lactose from milk can cause this form of hives. I almost never get them anymore, maybe once every few months. It’s real, sadly! I do believe in ghosts, and I once lived in a haunted house (in OH), 17 yrs. Very weird & frightening things happened there!

However, I was never physically attacked before.Last night, of all places, I was at a drive-thru window at a Wendy’s, here in NH. So, here’s what happened: So, my 19 yr. Old son & I were in my car waiting for our food order.

The Wendy’s clerk handed me all our drinks in a tray. I took the drink tray from the window with my left hand. I then transferred it to my right hand. At this point, nothing’s happened yet.

So then, I’m sitting at the steering wheel with a full drink tray in my right hand (trying to think about where I would put it & wondering why my son wasn’t taking it to help! In the meantime, my left arm was just sitting (palm side up) halfway out my window, ready to receive the rest of our family’s order. So I was just sitting still thinking. The cashier had just closed his drive thru window to apparently get the rest of my order together. So basically, I was in limbo, not moving my left arm, my right hand was holding the drink tray. No one & nothing was around to do anything that could have touched my arm. I was looking at my son in the passenger seat, on his iPhone & asking him what was he doing & could he please help me (!) by taking the drink tray.

All of a sudden, I got a burning pain in my left arm! I immediately lifted my arm to look at it & see what happened & guess what was on there! 3 scratch marks! They were white, as if my skin had just been scratched by something! They were about 3 inches long, down the middle of my inner forearm. Towards the end of the 3 parallel scratches, 2 of them just barely ran into each other.

They looked rather thin. I immediately told my son about the pain I just had in my arm & also immediately showed him the scratches! I was in shock a bit. Of course, my son’s first suggestion was, “Maybe you scratched yourself?” So I said, “How could I have scratched myself, I’m holding the drink tray in this (my other, right) hand!!!???” So he said, “maybe the guy (cashier) scratched you?” He couldn’t have, as he had handed me the tray with it being in.both. his hands (it held 4 drinks, 1 very heavy). So, having watched the documentaries & shows about ghosts before, everything immediately made sense!

I told my son I believe it was an entity (a ghost) that scratched me! He then said, well, there is that old, abandoned schoolhouse right there.”.

I have 3 scratches on my fingers on my right hand I hace no idea how they got there. Help me.Last week, I was sitting at the kitchen table, watching YouTube on my smartphone when my hand began to sting. When I looked down, I had a single scratch bleeding on top of my hand. I appeared to ignore it, as I didn't want to give any demons the attention.This morning, now that older scratch is basically healed, but is like a raised scar.

I got in my car after work, and right after I put on some hand lotion, my hand began to sting again. I looked down to find a new scratch, bleeding. I don't have nails, hangnails, or anything else on my hands that would scratch myself. And this new scratch perfectly meets last week's, and now there is a perfect 'V' on my right hand.

You do well to believe in demons, however believe also in Christ. Simply believe you are in Gods hands and your life is in His timing, and NO other. This is the Good Fight of Faith. What will you believe?

That is why this happens, to cause fear which creates faith. Love, (God) cast out ALL fear. Remain in Love and you remain in your faith! God Bless.Oh, the demon scratches and demons are harmless, unless you believe them, because Christ has overcome the world! Read the Word out loud daily, Any scripture, just open up and read!!. Can someone help me, my daughter who’s 21 has always had scratches on her since she was a little girl.She’s pregnant and going to deliver her baby within 4 weeks. She woke up at 3 am with burning on her side and she’s all scratched up on her breast and on her side and towards the front of belly.I know this is demonic and my daughter is terrified since her baby is due soon.She’s seen demons in shadow and her dog starts barking at it too so we know that’s what it is.What can we do to protect her and her baby.

Should she get babtised or have a preacher bless our home?Help. Many are asking 'What do I do?'

The answer is found in The Bible. Reading Psalms, praying to The Father through the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, putting on the Armor of God, and turning away from the things that may have opened the doors to demonic forces.

We all make mistakes in ignorance, not knowing the consequences of some of our actions. Sometimes it just may be attacks to cause fear and to take our focus off of Jesus Christ. There are more explanations on the armor of god in spiritual awakening article also. Just remember if evil is being done there is also good.Trust Jesus Christ to defend you. His Word, The Bible is our sword. Use it and watch God work. Hold on to Jesus Christ:) The many who have overcome, found the way out through Jesus Christ.

He is the Way, the Truth, and The Life. Psalm 91 and Psalm 19.

I have had those mysterious scares for the rest of the life i have lived till last night though not every night but most of, in most cases i had wished a face to face battle with such demons but my wish has not been granted ever since and i get very angry, as these things do these when am asleep, COWARD demon SPIRITS attacking a harmless brother deep in his sleep. I strictly believe in God i try by most means to live by way given to us to live by, and i often experience many temptation to lead me astray but i stay strong in most cases. I hate demons for their cowardness. I have mysterious sound in my bed room at night it could be my window that constantly open but I really don't think somy mom has experienced demonic things in the past where she would wake up with books flying around the room and felt like someone was holding her arms and legs in the air and I have recently woken up with brouses and scratches on my hips and I don't remember doing anything active the past only 13 and don't want to spend my whole childhood worrying about something that can be resolvedd. So, anybody knows how you scratch yourself, right?

I was gaming today and I don’t remember me scratching myself. Then suddenly I had such a pain in my armpit.

Demon attack game

I walked toward the mirror and I saw 3 scratches, I’ve had such thing a lot right know, at my friends house we had a sleepover and we all saw a door shut down with an enormous power. Also I saw a figure once, it walked away and a right after that something fell of my bookshelf. I don’t get scared by those things but I’m just really nervous about it. When I was 5 and my brother was 6 years old and my brother complained about his right arm burning. As I and my Mother watched 3scratches appeared on his arm deep enough for tiny droplets of blood. Then immediately following that the same scratches appeared on my arm.

We asked our Mother what was happening and she said she did not know. I had no idea this kind of thing is what it was. I grew up outside of religion but it seems the adversary knew I would turn to Jesus one day. We're it not for Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

Well I'm sure it would have been worse. I WAS NOT AFRAID AS A CHILD AND NOW THAT I BELONG TO JESUS The adversary has no dominion. About a month ago I started to get this weird cuts on the inner sides of my calfs. It's definitely not me and I could not get hurt by any object in a house. They appear in the morning and in the evening around 7AM and 7PM every day.

Sometimes there are white scratches and sometimes there are long cuts, like a papercut or made with letter opener or sewing pin. I can sit in front of PC and then immidiately feel burning on my leg, I take a look and see new scratches. My local dermatologist and family members both say that I scratch myself with fingernails, but this is not true. And I found a lot of people on the Internet with the same symptoms, and the only explanation most of them give is demons/ghosts/spirits etc.

I don't believe in any of those, but now I'm really scared, I don't know what to do. Does anyone know what this really is, and how to stop it? Maybe you know anyone who cured this weird thing? Please help!.

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