Pirates In Love Fanfiction


Read Character Introduction from the story Queens Of The Sea! (Pirates In Love FanFic) by voltagefairy with 1,005 reads. Voltageinc, adventure, romance. Pirates Versus Privates is an Alternate Universe Disney Fan Fic that's got a. And for the love of Walt, don't threaten Minnie's life, or Mickey will make you pay. To Darkwing Duck – “I am the steampunk fanfiction that contains scientific errors!


A short little self-insert fanfic(?) about growing up, lessons learned, and guilt.

Posted this on my main blog, since I don’t really use this one anymore. But thought those who wondered what happened might want to know where I went.

Every Voltage MC is Special bc I Say So - PIL


Note: I am not a master on every character’s routes and trivia. I made these up because I’m tired of boring MCs with no unique traits

Also I’m using the names from the original English version, because I love Christopher and I will not accept the usurper.

Christopher’s MC: an amazing dancer. Natural rhythm and talent, she can cut a proverbial rug with the best of ‘em. She and Christopher go dancing often, and more often than not she takes the lead. Sometimes other guys will try to cut in and have a turn, and Christopher’s jealous side makes an appearance. He learns how to dancer better to impress his MC.

Eduardo’s MC: along with appreciating healthy relationships (side-eyes at Voltage), MC is that one person in every friend group who LOVES scary stories. She recounts tales of ghosts and monsters so terrifying that Morgan has to beg her to stop before she makes Thomas cry. Eduardo is…surprised, but also weirdly into it. Together, they terrorize all they meet.

Morgan’s MC: she knows how to identify almost any animal on sight. At first, Morgan figures she just did a lot of bird watching, but then she starts recognizing animals that aren’t even native to her homeland and he realizes “oh, wow, she was either really bored or a natural genius”. Either way he’s not wrong. It comes in handy when food’s running low and they have to fish or hunt. It’s thanks to her they haven’t accidentally eaten any poisonous fish yet.

Russell’s MC: her hands are MAGIC at massages. One press to the shoulders and you melt. Of course, Russell keeps her magic healing hands to himself (”Russell calm down It was just a hand massage” “HE MIGHT HAVE A WEIRD HAND KINK MC YOU DON’T KNOW). Sometimes he’ll try to return the favor, but he tends to use too much pressure, and his hands are too rough from his sword. But MC never complains, because she knows it means he cares.

Nathan’s MC: prefers traditionally masculine clothing. I mean, she worked at a bar, a skirt and corset kind of get in the way of dealing with drunken sailors and port workers. Eventually, she just came to prefer pants. Nathan doesn’t really care, it’s better for ship life anyway. However, if anyone gives MC shit for how she dresses, you can bet your ass he’s gonna throw some hands. Sometimes they wear each other’s clothes by accident, and the rest of the crew teases them mercilessly…until Nathan threatens not to feed them.

Thomas’ MC: somehow, she always picks perfect presents. She’ll just buy something at random and the person loves it, somehow, every time. It’s magic. Boom boom rocket game for pc 2. Thomas loves going shopping for presents with her because she’s always so composed when anyone else would be stressed or panicked. However, it makes him extremely stressed and panicked when it comes time for him to find a present for her, since he knows that whatever she gives him will be perfect.

Alan’s MC: a quite competent hunter. It’s not like it was the only way to get food in MC’s homeland, but she did learn from her parents. She quickly becomes in charge of hunting food for Alan’s crew when they run out of meat.Plus, it means she can fend him off when he’s in one of his more pervy moods and she’s not having it. She keeps the idiot alive, but he’s her idiot so she doesn’t mind.

Leonardo’s MC: surprisingly good with maps and navigation. If any of Leonardo’s maps have errors or things missing, she makes sure to correct them. He’s quite impressed, and likes to subtly brag about how smart she is to other officers. (”Uh, wasn’t she a pirate tho-” “Shut the fuck up, nobody asked you”).

2 years ago with 23 notesReblog

I played the prologue… need to wait until I have money to buy anything :’)

Anonymous asked: I figured this might be the place to ask. Do you (or anyone seeing this) know of any good places to find some voltage roleplayers? Because I missed the height of Pirates in Love all that time ago and I don't want to miss my chance this time!

Hmm, I’ve never roleplayed before, but I know of at least one blog that seem to? Super street fighter 4 arcade edition evil ryu.

@piratesinloverp is the one, and if there are others they likely know them. Back in the day there were a bunch of ask blogs, too! To my knowledge though they aren’t active anymore.

sammieisstuckintherain asked: What would be your casting choices if 'Pirates in Love' were turned into a television or film series?

Unfortunately I don’t know actors very well. :’)

I think MC though should be played by someone unknown, or up-and-coming. As for the guys, it’s just kinda a giant shrug. None of the actors I’m aware of fit with my image of them. I think I would want unknown actors as well just so I can see them purely as that character, and not as the *actor,* if that makes sense at all. Sorry this isn’t a real answer. ^^;

Also I have a bunch of asks I was never notified of? I’ll get to those when I’m back from work as well