Castleville Legends Guide

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on September 23rd, 2013
Proving quite the slow burner, CastleVille Legends is a well-made but flawed freemium based realm building game.
Developer: Zynga
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.3.20
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5
Graphics / Sound Rating:
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Overall Rating:

The latest in an increasingly long string of names ending with -Ville, CastleVille Legends is a fairly solid example of the free-to-play building sim genre, even if that does mean it's occasionally heavy-handed with the timers.

CastleVille Legends - Game Guide: Eggstreme Circumstances event. Ancient cities pc game torrent. The Gloom is endangering the Dragon Eggs. Quick, let's rescue those. Castleville Legends doesn't really need a walkthrough. The game walks you through how to play. Zynga also provides some good guides on the blog.

The fairly loose storyline is centered around the need to rebuild a medieval realm after an evil wizard cursed it. Fortunately help is on hand courtesy of the heroes that aid the player in figuring out what to do next. A quest-based structure features prominently here, guiding players towards certain objectives, while also helping the realm flourish. Unlike other building sims, CastleVille Legends has a story element to it rather than just leaving players to their own devices after they've completed the tutorial.

The general idea is the same, though. Players acquire raw materials such as wood and apples by swiping and tapping at the relevant items, before putting them towards more significant items. Applesauce and milk play a vital role early on, for instance, in terms of completing quests and raising funds. More originally, one can explore various ancient ruins to collect valuable treasures. Much like the rest of the game, this is dependent on timers and waiting to see what's discovered, but it's a more interesting touch than simply watching things be built.

Player-to-player trading finally arrives for the genre too, offering the means in which to earn even more money. It's a little limited in terms of who's available to trade with, but it's quite the step forward for the genre. There's always the option to trade with an in-game merchant too, for a quick buck.

Exiled kingdoms tomb. Good story, lots of quests, complicated characters, lots of skills, and actually rather challenging.

There is one significant shortcoming amongst all this, and it's a familiar one. The timers that dictate what one can do at any one time are pretty strict. It's only a short time before CastleVille Legends turns into a game that must be dipped into every 20-30 minutes or more, rather than played for a decent length of time in one go. It's a common quandary for the genre but it does grate a little here, much the same as the fact that certain heroes are bound to be out of reach to all but those willing to spend real money to check them out.

Still, CastleVille Legends is a pretty decent example of the genre, just don't expect it to be overly generous time or premium currency wise. Underneath some sensible moves it's still the typical timer-laden freemium fest we're used to.

iPhone Screenshots

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Pictures are from the CastleVille Legends Blog/Community or other App related places. Some edited screen caps are included.

Last Updated: 3/23/2014 @ 9:15 PM PST

You can use an alliance member knight which will last for 24 hours after you request one once you are part of an alliance. They can help with navigating for treasure like in the Watch Tower. You can also go to your alliance to request items to find them easier through sea trading. Many people are happy to help with any questions you may have as well.
  1. Click the alliance chat button on the far right side of the screen. (it looks like a speech or thought bubble and is yellow)
  2. Click blue button towards top of alliance that says 'Request a Knight'
  • Then you wait and see if someone will respond to your request. If someone does, you may get a notice but will know for sure by going to the castle. You'll see one standing outside it.
  • If you click on the castle, a menu will provide a pop-out menu that has 3 tabs. If you press the one at the bottom. It will tell you if you have knights as well as how long you have to use them if they're not at a place of exploration.
Giving knights gives others xp, so you may choose to request a knight even if you have no desire to use one for a legendary place search.How To Give a Knight:
  1. In the chat, you will see an icon with a knights face if someone requests one.
  2. You can click that and at the left side of the alliance chat you should see 4 knight logos.
  3. Click on one to give another alliance member a knight.
Here are alliances I have been a part of or requested to post:
When looking to join an alliance I look for one that is active, helpful, and friendly.
When in an alliance, I try and do the same. When it comes to sea trading, I buy from alliance members first, Facebook friends 2nd, then open sea trading.
  • My current alliance is called: 'Witchdance'
    • Motto is: 'Offer 2 us first. Use chat!'
      • Closed Alliance
      • Last Saw 50/50 members

Past alliances called:
  • 'slowgocastleville'
    • motto was 'Don't ever expect and you'll never be disappointed!'
  • 'coffee muggers'
    • motto was 'coffe makes me poop'
People you can add on Facebook For Help: