Dynasty Tactics 2 Epilogue


Dynasty Tactics 2 – Game Mini-FAQ

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[ Home –> Games –> Dynasty Tactics 2 –> Game Mini-FAQ ]

The following FAQ for Dynasty Tactics 2 was prepared by Xiahou Mao (of many forums) to answer a few introductory questions along with providing some information that might be of great interest to even people who have gone through the game numerous times over. Presented here for your viewing and gaming pleasure.

Dynasty Tactics 2 Mini-FAQ

Dynasty Tactics 2 FAQ: questions in bold followed by answers and information below.

What does changing the difficulty do?
The different difficulty levels have several effects on the game. The difficulty affects how many turns you're alloted to complete an objective, with the turns given becoming increasingly smaller. Enemy cities get extra towers and depots in higher difficulty levels, having three of each in Advanced. Smaller enemy armies will be filled out with no-name units to make things harder based on your difficulty level, up to a possible maximum of three additional units in Advanced. The units also become more dangerous in higher difficulties, with annoying General and Unit Leader units appearing in Advanced that have Revive and Fire Arrow tactics. The rate at which you recover soldiers is based on the difficulty level, with soldier recovery being very slow in Advanced. Finally, in Advanced Mode, enemy units have more troops than normal. Most units have 2000 troops plus 1000/level of the general. In Advanced Mode, it increases to 2000 troops plus 1500/level of the general. This increase only applies while they're enemy units, if you recruit them they return to their normal soldier count.

Craft and Deeds? What are they?
Craft Points are used for spy activities and to teach generals new tactics. You earn them by defeating enemy units, with extra points being given for beating them in a large combo. Deeds are ‘experience points’, you gather them to gain levels. You gain Deeds by performing tactics and defeating enemy generals in battle, with extra points for beating them in a large combo. See the theme? Combos are good!

There's a general in my lands as a ‘Civilian’, how do I recruit him?
Civilians are free officers. You want to collect as many of them as you can. Select the Civilian and click “Friends” to see what officers he considers to be his friend. Then, send that officer to the city the Civilian is in, either as part of an army or as a spy, and have him end his turn there. At the beginning of the next turn, the Civilian will automatically join you.

Usually, you can use a newly recruited Civilian to recruit other officers in turn. Having extra officers is always an advantage, even if their stats are low, because it's fewer officers the enemy can use against you. Always recruit Civilians whenever you can!

Why can some generals command more officers than others?
Your general's Leadership influences how many officers he can have in his army. The formula is Lead/10 rounded down, +2 Thus, a general with 39 Lead can command five units, while one with 40 can command six. The most units you can command is ten, at 80 Leadership. Usually you can find the Histories early in a scenario, to let your ruler command more troops.

Okay, where do I find Histories, and how do I learn tactics like Raid II?
It varies from scenario to scenario. You want to look for Mystics. Mystics can be anywhere on the map, from cities to battlefields. Send spies to locate them on the Visit Town menu, then visit them next turn to receive either a new item (like the Histories) or a new tactic. Tactics given by Mystics can’t be learned anywhere else, and are quite powerful. If the visiting officer isn't one you want to teach the tactic to, have him say no, and move the guy you want to have learn the tactic there. The Mystics will only teach one tactic a scenario each, so don't give the tactic to someone you don't want to have it!
There is always at least one Mystic in every scenario, somewhere. Be on the lookout!

How do I capture enemy generals? I always just defeat them.
As anyone who played DT1 remembers, you capture enemy generals by performing combo attacks to defeat them. The number of combos required to capture the general increased based on their level. Bear in mind, some characters central to the storyline cannot be captured, that includes all rulers and most major characters such as Zhang Fei, Xiahou Dun and Zhou Yu. There are some exceptions, though, and as the game progresses more and more people become capturable.

Okay, I finally captured someone, but he won't join me!
Some generals are more loyal than others, based on their personality from the Three Kingdoms novel the game is based on. While generals like Cao Bao, Wei Yan and Cai Mao will defect almost at the drop of a hat, others like Xu Huang, Zhang Ren and Lu Xun are more loyal. There are three ways to increase the chances of recruiting an officer. Capturing an officer repeatedly will eventually cause him to see the light and defect. Having friends of the officer you want in your army will make it more likely they defect when captured. And finally, the most important method for defection, carrying out the Ruse>Entice or the Visit Town>Visit Officer commands with spies will lower the loyalty of the targetted officer and make him more susceptible to recruitment. I suspect the game works in stages. I'll give an example based on my experience.

Sample general Yue Jin has a hidden Level 3 Defection stat. This means that it takes three different counters to cause him to defect. If you capture him three times, then he'll join you the third time. If you have a friend of his in your army, then you need only capture him twice, the friend will be the third ‘counter’. Or, using Entice three times on him with spies will cause him to defect. Any combination of three of those things will net you a captured Yue Jin. Cao Bao and Sima Yi have a Level 2 Defection stat, making them come to your side more easily, while a general like Zhang Ren or Taishi Ci may have a level 5 or 6 Defection stat, meaning it’ll take a while to get them. The Defection stats are hidden, and you can only figure them out by experimenting. Enticing is the best way to win over officers quickly, but as it uses up Craft Points, you may want to be stingy about who you Entice and who you recruit more conventionally.

What are Links and Chains? How can they make my life easier?
Links and Chains are key to attaining large combo scores, including the elusive 16 hit combo. Links return from DT1. They allow your army’s Strategist to lock an enemy unit down with a tactic. The next time someone in your army uses a tactic, the Linked tactic will trigger and combo with it, even if they’re not at all close together. By splitting your army in two and using a Link, you can turn two five hit combos on seperate enemies into a ten hit combo on both, for lots of extra Deeds and Craft. Links can also be useful simply to cause annoying enemy units to lose their turns. Be warned, though, your Link's effectiveness is based on your Strategist’s Intellect. The enemy general may break the Link, based on his own stats and the Strategist’s Intellect.

Ty the tasmanian tiger remastered. Towards the end of the game while picking up missed collectables, I found myself just using the Megarang and the Kaboomarang to quickly clear out enemies.This is a fun game, and you can easily beat it in a weekend or so. Bosses were mainly puzzle-based, so you're not just whittling down their health bar by flinging your rangs at them, which I appreciate.Collecting things is actually a lot more fun than I anticipated. Sucks if you miss a single opal, though, and you have to scour the entire level looking for it.The different boomerangs you can get have very limited functionality, and nearly every one of them has a benefit to its usage, but once you get the Megarang, the Multirang kinda becomes obsolete. Platforming is quick and tight, and combat is really kinda basic (you either rang or bite your enemies, and they die in 1-2 hits). Usually it's tedious, but for some reason, this one was fun.

Chains are new to DT2. When your Strategist executes the Order Chain command, his morale will drop five points, but all units within range will be enabled with the ability to do Chain Tactics. The range of an Order Chain is based on the Strategist’s Intellect. Officers who can do Chain Tactics will glow blue around their hands, like in Dynasty Warriors when your Musou Meter is full. On their next turn, they get the chance to do the Chain Tactic. If they don’t, they’ll lose the glow and require another Order Chain. Chain Tactics basically let the acting general combo by himself. The general can use all of his attacks in sequence, as long as he has a valid target for all of them. Once he is done executing his Chain, any other generals set up in position to do combos off his attack will start doing so, thus creating large combos that can wipe out many enemies. A general can equip at most six tactics, and thus he can do six tactics at most in his Chain Tactic. Those six tactics, one tactic from the other nine generals in the battle, and a Team Tactic will give you the 16 hit combo everyone dreams about.

Alright, I’ll bite. What's a Team Tactic?
Team Tactics are performed by friends in battle. Each officer in a battle can do a Team Tactic once per battle, and only one Team Tactic may be triggered per combo. As mentioned before, only friends may perform them, so try to assign your armies based on your friendships. A mix of officers from all kingdoms won't make as strong an army as a unified troop of friendly officers.
Here is a list of the different Team Tactics.

  • Family Bond: Two friends must be side by side, facing the same way, with an enemy in front of one. It's the same position as required for the Aid tactic, and the damage is similar.
  • Double Blade: Two friends must have an enemy trapped between them, both facing that enemy. It's the same position as required for the Pincer tactic, save that you can only Double Blade a single foe.
  • Triple Strike: Three friends must have an enemy surrounded, all facing that enemy. It's similar to All Attack, and can usually be triggered easily by that tactic. In addition, each ruler has their own specific Team Tactic. These Team Tactics don’t require an enemy to be in position, unlike the others. All these Team Tactics will recover three units to the acting officers, in addition to any other listed effects.
  • Peach Oath: Can only be done by Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. They must be lined up in order, all facing the same way, with Liu Bei in the middle. Sadly, I forget what other effect this may have besides the tactic restoration.
  • Conqueror: Sun Ce and Sun Quan must be side by side, facing the same way. Conqueror will give a +10 Morale boost to all nearby allied units.
  • Councillor: Cao Cao and Guo Jia must be side by side, facing the same way. Councillor will give a -10 Morale penalty to all nearby enemy units.
  • Warrior’s Blood: Lu Bu and Lu Ling QI must be side by side, facing the same way. Warrior’s Blood will damage any enemy on any side of the two.

I finished the game, and that no-good Xu Shao compared me to Liu Biao!
Castleville legends game. When the game finishes, even the Prologue, you’ll be critiqued by Xu Shao and compared to an RTK character. Most people who finish the Prologue are compared to Liu Biao, but that's just because the Prologue is so short. Here’s how you're marked on your stats.

  • War: The maximum damage you did in a combo. Over 150,000 kills should give you a 100 War stat at the end of the game. Usually the easiest stat to have at a high level, as 150,000 kills is easily attainable towards the end of most scenarios.
  • Int: The most hits you achieved in a combo. You need a 16 hit combo to get 100 Int. This is usually harder to get than the damage for War, but don’t give up!
  • Lead: The number of officers you have in your army. Depending on the scenario (i.e., if you’re playing as Lu Bu or not), this may be very tricky to raise. Try to recruit and Entice whenever you're able.

Depending on who you’re compared to, you'll receive different items each time you complete the game, as well as bonus Deeds and Craft for all future games you begin.

Sieges are annoying. Is there anything I can do to make them easier?
Engineer units can destroy castle walls and enemy towers in one hit. When you need to go into a siege, make sure your Strategists are Engineers, if they can be. Also, Engineer units with any morale and Infantry-type units with 80+ morale can climb over castle walls. Archer units and Cavalry units will always have to go around.

Is it just me, or does Zhang Liao look like Sun Jian from Dynasty Warriors?
It's not just you. Several characters share appearances with Dynasty Warriors characters, Zhang Liao is just the highest profile one. Try to see what other lookalikes you can find!

Why does Zhang Xiu have such higher stats than Jiang Wei?
Each character has their own stat growth. Some characters, like Zhang Xiu and Cai Mao, begin with high stats but grow very slowly as they level. Others, like Jiang Wei, Lu Meng and Lu Xun, begin with lower stats, but gain stats quickly as they level. By the time they're both level ten or higher, unless Zhang Xiu has been doing a lot of training, Jiang Wei will surpass him.

Yup! Officers can train to improve their stats. Have them use the Visit Town>Townsquare command to get a shot at training. The officer who helps them train will influence the stat growth they receive. For example, if Xu Zhu helps someone train War, they'd gain +5. If he helps them train Int, they’d only gain +1. You can't choose what gets trained, but you can influence who does the training in a small way by training your good officers together outside the capital, where you'll never have Yang Song aid you as a result.

If you're in a village instead of a city, and use the Visit Town>Village command, you won’t get to train. However, you might discover bandits instead. Bandits are a shot at in-battle training for your characters, so when they appear, send a weaker unit that you want to develop to engage them, and get some Deeds to level up.

What’s an Epilogue? How do I unlock them?
Epilogues are bonus scenarios that you unlock by completing certain paths. They feature a more fictionalised story, and usually offer chances to get higher scores and capture more officers than the normal game. Here’s how to unlock the Epilogues.

  • Liu Bei’s Epilogue: Complete Lu Bu’s scenario with the “Escape from Xia Pi” ending. To get that ending, choose not to attack Yuan Shu, then later charge from the castle when you get the option.
  • Cao Cao’s Epilogue: Complete Liu Bei's Epilogue.
  • Sun Ce’s Epilogue: Complete Sun Ce’s scenario with the “Three Kingdoms” ending, and having found Hua Tuo when prompted to. To get that ending, choose to attack Cao Cao when the chance arises. The Hua Tuo situation is straightforward, just do what Zhang Zhao suggests when he does suggest it and go from there.
  • Lu Bu’s Epilogue: Complete all other Epilogues.

What does the Talk command do in battle?
Based on who executes it, the Talk command can have different effects. Usually a ruler talking to a warrior will give +10 morale, while a ruler talking to a strategist or two warriors talking to each other will restore a tactic to each. There are some exceptions though, and some hidden combinations that can only be triggered once. Ma Chao talking to Ma Dai gives +10 morale, for example, while Huang Zhong talking to Wei Yan also gives +10 morale, but may only be done once ever.

You can rarely talk to enemy units in battle as well. Keep an eye out for that command to appear, and use it when you can.

Playing Sun Ce, Taishi Ci didn't join me after the first battle. Why?
To get Taishi Ci to join you right away, you need to have Sun Ce duel him in that first battle. To fight the duel, just have Sun Ce do a normal attack on Taishi Ci, or vice versa. Then, when the battle is done, Taishi Ci will join you rather than vanishing.

There are other duels hidden in the game as well, that can be triggered in similar ways. Xiahou Dun and Guan Yu can duel in Cao Cao's Chapter 7, while Zhang Fei and Ma Chao can duel in Liu Bei's Chapter 6. There may yet be other duels hidden as well!

Are there any hidden tactics?
There are two powerful hidden tactics in the game. One is unique to a certain character, the other is given by an item.

  • Entice: Not to be confused with the spy command of the same name. Entice is a tactic that only Zhang Fei can learn, by visiting a mystic in some scenarios. Entice will pull an enemy unit across the battlefield to Zhang Fei in similar manner to Taunt, over any range, and lower their morale in doing so. Combined with an Order Chain, Zhang Fei can use Entice to selectively eliminate enemy units near the start of a battle.
  • Muddle III: The second hidden tactic, Muddle III is granted by an item, the Art of War. This item can be obtained by playing Cao Cao’s Epilogue, and once that Epilogue is finished, you will begin each new game with it. Muddle III will pull enemies in all directions from the acting general across the battlefield, then inflict damage on them and push them back a square, confused. It can only be used when it will affect at least two units.

How can I do high combos? I'm having trouble.
Practice, practice, practice. That’s all I can really say. You need to be able to think several steps ahead, learn to anticipate enemy actions, and choose wise tactic selections for your officers. These sorts of things have to be learned, as everyone will play the game differently. Some people like using a Linked Gather tactic to hold down enemy units while a combo is set up, while others will use Linked Volley II for the same effect. Still others will just maneuver the enemy into position and crush them without any Links. Develop your playing style as you go and the combos will come.

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