3d Jungle Runner Trailer



Mar 23, 2016  The Jungle Book 3D trailer Krish Gohel. Unsubscribe from Krish Gohel? The Jungle Book 3D Movie 'On Hindi Song' Mowgli Best Mixing - Duration: 1:35.

All you're gonna see in this movie is a continuous stream of cliches.Sure, if it was released say, in 1970, when none of the superhero/sci-fi/fantasy that today is flooding the audiences was present, it would have been quite enjoyable and watchable.But in today's market it brings nothing new. I could constantly guess what was going to happen at the end of certain action scenes, and don't even get me started about the helicopter scene. That one was supposed to be dramatic and some kind of fitting twist but just left me enraged at the stupidity of the screenwriters/adaptation. In the end it's quality is on par with the other 2 similar series (Divergent and Hunger Games), so, gets a 5 star 'meh' out of me. Good for kids but intelligent people beware!